With 115 years of history, Jornal Santuário de Aparecida is the most traditional Brazilian catholic newspaper. It publishes, every week, news, interviews, reports and articles, launching a critic look on happenings in the Church, Brazil and world, and prioritizing human, religious and public utility contents.
JS was created to meet two chief objectives: disseminate the devotion to Our Lady of Aparecida, through coverage of feasts and pilgrimages, and provide readers with guidance and instruction. For that, the redemptorist priests have acquired a small “typography”, and the periodical started circulation on November 10, 1900.
Today, the newspaper is still covering the chief events of the National Sanctuary, in addition to disseminating and spreading the main news relative to the Catholic Church. With a skillful team of journalists and writers from different areas, the JS also brings to readers information and reflections on what is happening in politics, economy, education, health, technology, etc.
The youth public has a special place in Jornal Santuário. At each edition, the page Juventude (Youth) approaches the most different subjects that may interest them, like relationships, traineeships, work market, education, games, technology and others.
The interviews on the page Diálogos (Dialogues) present to readers the thought of jurists, artists, writers, researchers and professionals from many areas on matters that are being discussed in the society.
On the central pages, highlight reports seek to deepen themes of general interest.
Always attempting to follow the advance of periodicals market, Jornal Santuário has gone through constant reviews of its visual identity, keeping its graphic design modern, attractive and pleasant to readers.
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