Por A12 Em Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida

The 2019 Patroness Party will be dedicated to the mission and to the Church in the Amazon Region

Thiago Leon
Thiago Leon

The Novena and Party of Our Lady of Aparecida in October 2019 will reflect the Church’s actions in the Amazon region, inspired by the Extraordinary Missionary Month summoned by Pope Francis.

Under the motto ‘With Mary chosen and sent on mission’, the National Sanctuary’s rector explained the purpose of that choice, claiming that the Amazon Region is a mission land.

As one of the important elements of the Party, the carpentry shop of the Diocese of Óbidos, located in the State of Pará, is making a cross for the Pontifical Missionary Works, an entity gathering many religious congregations that take part in missionary animation, formation and cooperation works all over the world.

Another cross, similar to the one kept at the Sanctuary of Aparecida, is being made to be delivered to Pope Francis, as an icon for the Extraordinary Missionary Month.

For the activities to celebrate the Patroness in 2019, laypeople will continue to be the central point, such as for example in the novena to be held this year, since according to the rector it is impossible to talk about the Christian mission without referring to laypeople.

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