Por A12 Em the Radio of Our Lady

Members’ Club

Rádio Aparecida
Rádio Aparecida

The radio station is supported by its countless listeners who, by embracing the ideal of communication, become representatives and partners of the Members’ Club, a project launched on September 07, 1955, more than 60 years ago.

The Members’ Club’s purpose is to gather an increasing number of people willing to collaborate and support Aparecida Radio and its main objective: to evangelize Brazil. The work is based on the Gospel and on the devotion to Our Lady of Aparecida, through quality content that form and inform.

Father Vitor Coelho de Almeida has become the great icon of the Members’ Club, by coining the phrase that motivates up to this day its partners and representatives: “Whoever helps to preach the Gospel deserves the laurels of a preacher.”

Popular Mission

The Members’ Club family, following the example given by the great Missionary of Aparecida, Fr. Vitor Coelho de Almeida, wants more people to be united in this experience of faith and love to Our Lady.

Popular Mission is Our Lady of Aparecida’s presence in the homes of Her children, beyond the limitations of radio, TV and the Internet. Since 2016 the Members’ Club, through its representatives and the Popular Mission Chapel, has evangelized families in need of prayer, faith and hope.

Our purposes with the Popular Mission are: to strengthen our faith, to promote devotion to Our Lady, and to bring brothers closer to the Christian community.

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