Por A12 Em Redemptorist

Social Works

The Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer has always been involved with social issues, by looking for new ways of helping people and stimulating them to experience the loving presence of God in their lives.

With the purpose of contributing to improve the quality of life of vulnerable families and under social risk, it counts on 08 Social Action works managed by the Province of Sao Paulo. In other Brazilian Provinces social action works have also been implemented, such as for example in the Provinces of Goiás and Rio de Janeiro, among other places around Brazil.

Such a responsible and committed work is based on the right to citizenship, on the dignity of the human person, and on a preferential option for the poor, which is an integral part of the Redemptorist charisma. Thus, the Congregation carries out and maintains that commitment to care, shelter and listen to people facing vulnerability, risk and poverty situations.

The works count on a multidisciplinary team comprising: Social Workers, Psychologists, Educators, Computer Technicians, Physical Education Teachers, monitors and a support team, while ensuring a humanized and quality work. The actions are developed based on a socio-educational focus, in a supportive space, promoting dialogue and interaction, and centered on the family.

Thousands of children, adolescents, youngsters, adults and elderly people are benefited by those social actions.

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